Psychological First Aid
- Cost: $225.00
- Duration: 7 hours
Psychological First Aid (PFA) is a ‘best practice’ approach to providing initial emotional and practical support to someone who has experienced a traumatic event – either a large scale disaster event or a personal traumatic incident. PFA can be seen as the mental and emotional equivalent of medical First Aid and can be provided by both lay and professional helpers. It builds organisational and community resilience plus the capacity to respond well to traumatic events in the workplace or community.
This course covers Psychological first aid (PFA) is a ‘best practice’ approach to providing initial emotional and practical support to someone who has experienced a traumatic event – either a large scale disaster event or a personal traumatic incident. You will learn: - The scope of PFA – what it is, and what it isn’t - The 5 elements of PFA - WHO Action Framework for PFA – Look, Listen and Link - Understanding and recognising distress - Active listening and calming techniques - Referral to more specialised support - Adapting PFA to social and cultural context - Wellbeing – looking after yourself